Henry's Homemade Formula

Our journey towards adding "real" foods into Henry's Homemade Blended G-Tube Formula

Henry enjoying food… some photos :)




It’s been a while since I’ve done a post so I thought I would share some photos of Henry enjoying food.  Whether it’s tasting, playing or just exploring… he loves food!

Cheers, Shelley

Table Art, with yogurt and jam


Sharing some cereal with Mom

Helping to wash the dishes after dinner


Eating in the backyard – a favourite summertime activity!


Helping to make his blended food. He loves choosing which fruits and veggies to include.


Birthday cake! (right before he burnt his finger on the candles)

Enjoying his supported seating at the table – it is wonderful to have a seat that Henry can be comfortable in, and fully participate in our mealtimes.