Henry's Homemade Formula

Our journey towards adding "real" foods into Henry's Homemade Blended G-Tube Formula

About Henry’s Mom & Dad

Hi, I’m Shelley… Henry’s mama.

A stay-at-home mom, I have two boys, Henry and Owen. I’m married to my wonderful hubby, Shawn and together we live in Burnaby, BC Canada.

I used to work in the Hospitality and Tourism industry, first in hotel management and then teaching at the post-secondary level.  It was a big adjustment not to have a “career” outside the house (and one I’m still working on) but I’m so glad that we are fortunate enough to be able to do this. Shawn & I both share the priority to stay home with our kids, so make decisions to support this.

As I told our pediatrician almost 8 years ago, as a stay-at-home mom, I have nothing better to do than to learn how to make homemade formula! (not quite true… but it showed my determination to try!).  I’ve enjoyed the challenge of learning all I can about making his formula.

Shawn is a software engineer and is currently working on a project focused on hearing aids. His career allows him to work at the office part-time and at home part-time.  He also loves long-distance cycling and just completed his first half-marathon!

While this mission (and I use the term aptly… it sure feels like a mission!) is shared by both of us, I am the one who is taking the lead. This is partly because I am the one who is home full time and partly because this is was my hair-brained idea to begin with! :).

Cheers, Shelley

One response to “About Henry’s Mom & Dad

  1. Olga says:

    hi shelley! i don’t know if we ever ran across each other at either “real food for tubies” (on FB), or the yahoo group (long drama there), but i was googling BD again tonight and came across your blog. first of all, a huge wave from “down” in seattle up to b.c.! second, is there a particular page that i could send people to, who are interested in exploring this whole “real food via tube” universe? i weaned my boy largely thanks to BD and thanks to an attitude that mirrors your “mealtime rules” (and no therapy) — but i’m still heavily involved in the tube-weaning/tube-feeding community, incl. seattle children’s hospital and its change to a child-centered, family-centered, non-behavioral weaning option. i share our BD story with people at tubefedkids.ning.com, and would LOVE to have another place to send interested families to — and your blog is warm, inviting, inspirational, and a treat to read.
    all the best to you and yours and happy 2012~
    – olga and zandy

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