Henry's Homemade Formula

Our journey towards adding "real" foods into Henry's Homemade Blended G-Tube Formula

Why the blog…?

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey in trying to get Henry off of commercial formulas and onto a partially (hopefully completely!) homemade formula.   I am a writer by nature, so it only made sense to jot down my thoughts along the way.

Plus… I can’t seem to remember anything these days – so if  don’t write it down I’ll forget what I’ve tried!

My hope is that as my own learning continues to evolve, I can share this with others.  When I first considered the idea of homemade formula, I was so lost… I had no idea where to start.  It was blogs I found online, written my other mom’s, that started me on my journey.  And now I would like to join that group and hopefully help other moms, dads and caregivers too.

Along the way, I’ll post about my attempts, successes and “learning” moments. As well as a few other thoughts that pop into mind :).

Cheers, Shelley

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