Henry's Homemade Formula

Our journey towards adding "real" foods into Henry's Homemade Blended G-Tube Formula

From scoliosis to lordosis…

on September 8, 2012

As part of our annual visit with the neurology clinic, we once again saw Dr. Reilly, Henry’s orthopedic surgeon.  We really like seeing Dr Reilly, as he’s patient, takes time explaining thing, explains them in way that we can understand and is very practical.  Plus, even if he’s rushing out the door… if I think of one more question he always come back in the room, sits down and gives us his complete attention.   Yes, we often have a long wait an hour or so to see him… but we’re used to that and know it’s because he gives every family the same time he gives us.

Since his first appointment with the neurology clinic at about 2 months of age, Henry has been monitored for scoliosis.  Simply put, scoliosis is a curve in the spin, from one side to the other.  It can be more or less severe, based on the amount the spin curves, and can be caused by lots of different things.  Henry’s was considered neurological scoliosis, because it is symptom of his low tone. His little muscles just weren’t strong enough to keep his spin straight.

It’s tough to know just how back it was at first, because getting a good Xray was near impossible.  But it was serious enough that we did them every 6 months for a while, and Dr Reilly was concerned by what he saw.  But.. the good news was… as Henry grew more mobile ,his back improved… and kept improving!

At this visit, the good news just got better…!

According to Dr. Reilly, Henry’s back no longer shows signs of scoliosis. 🙂  His curvature has straightened to the point that his visual exam leads him to believe that if he still does have any scoliosis it is so minor as to be undetectable!


Henry does still have some lordosis, or sway back.  When sitting or standing, his hips and lower back tilt forward over curving his lower back. This doesn’t happen all the time, but is noticeable.  Essentially, this is caused by having weak butt and quad muscles.  As he continues to get stronger, this will hopefully resolve itself too.

All the time we spent using his walker, playing (aka… doing exercises), making wearing his orthotics “fun” and finding ways to support him moving when he wasn’t able to himself… it’s all paying off!  Dr. Reilly went so far to say that he figures by the time Henry is grown he will have no concerns with his spin at all!  🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


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